Friday, December 12, 2008

Power MP3 not playing all mp3 songs? Try this

PowerMP3 is one of the most versatile and feature rich substitute for default music players in symbian phones especially the older models like 6600, N70 etc. One of the major problem associated with powerMP3 is that it does not play all mp3 files
The reason is that powerMP3 has a native support for mp3 files with extension .mp3 only. And hence will not play media files with extension .Mp3 or .MP3 which are recognized by other software. The only method to make sure that PowerMp3 plays all mp3 files is to make sure that the extension of the music files is .mp3

To change file extension in Windows Operating Systems

Open (My)computer ->select Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> Check the box "Hide extension of Known file Types"
Now all files in your system will show extension
Change the extension of all MP3 files to .mp3.
Load the files to your phone. Now your powerMP3 plays all mp3 songs
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Deleting pre-installed java games in symbian phones

As a norm of becoming the ultimate multimedia hand held devices 99% of mobile phones nowadays come preloaded with java games. They are usually cool and handy to spend some quality leisure time. But it may also get necessary to remove games from some phones eg: business phones. This post helps you to remove such preinstalled java games which usually may not have an uninstall/delete option.

Note: This post uses F explorer 1.17. Download here
To remove an installed application
1.Open Fexplorer 1.17 on phone.
2.Go to folder C:\system\midlets
3.You will see several folders with random names.
4.Open each folder just to identify the application to delete ( for example teashark.jar).
5.After correctly identifying the folder; delete it!!
6.Go to folder C:\system\apps
It will also contain some random folders.
7.Identify the folder to be removed. This can be done either by verifying the thumbnail image in the folder or opening the .txt file which contains the name of the application.
8.After correctly identifying the folder; delete it!!
9. Restart the phone(recommended).
The Java application is completely removed

Pre installed applications can be reinstalled on phone either by
1. restoring factory settings
2. formatting phone memory (read full post)
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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Removing an uninstallable theme from Symbian Phones

Themes or Skins are one of the most popular customizable option in a symbian mobile phone. They come in .sis formats and are available for free download on many sites on the web. The increasing popularity of downloadable themes have caused a serious problem of poorly compiled themes. And mostly there is no method to know if a theme is properly compiled unless you install it.
Such themes may not be uninstalled properly from the phone. This phone deals with a method to remove uninstallable themes using Fexplorer 1.17
Download Fexplorer 1.17 here

1. Open Fexplorer in phone.
2. Go to E:\System\skins
3. You can see the random folders in which themes are installed
4. Open folder and identify the theme to be deleted.
5. Delete the folder.
6. restart the phone (recommended)

Go to drive C:\ instead of E:\ if the theme is installed in phone memory
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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Removing an uninstallabe Java application from a Symbian Phone

Many of us may have installed several applications in our mobile phones to enhance its functionalities. Most of these applications are secure and can be easily removed by uninstall option. But some java applications may turn nasty and may not get removed by uninstall due to several reasons, the foremost being corruption of files. This post introduces an effective method to remove such files completely from your mobile phone by using a phone explorer like Fexplorer or YBrowser
This post uses Fexplorer 1.17 and can be downloaded here
This trick is possible only because of the simple fact that Java applications do not leave any registry entries or files in other than two mentioned folders

To remove an installed application
1.Open Fexplorer 1.17 on phone.
2.Go to folder C:\system\midlets
3.You will see several folders with random names.
4.Open each folder just to identify the application to delete ( for example teashark.jar).
5.After correctly identifying the folder; delete it!!
6.Go to folder C:\system\apps
It will also contain some random folders.
7.Identify the folder to be removed. This can be done either by verifying the thumbnail image in the folder or opening the .txt file which contains the name of the application.
8.After correctly identifying the folder; delete it!!
9. Restart the phone(recommended).
The Java application is completely removed

Note: To remove Java applications installed in memory card
goto drive E:\ instead of C:\
Tested in Nokia N70
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Removing Shortcut of Notes from GoTo menu in Symbian Phones

Usually in Symbian Phones like N70 a shortcut is created in the GoTo Menu as you a create a note in the phone. This feature provides easy access to the note from the Go To menu. But usually these shortcuts are not removed even if the notes are deleted and cannot be marked and deleted.Hence it clutters up the Go To menu and each and every shortcut must be deleted one by one
Here is a simple method using Fexplorer 1.17 that can delete several shortcuts in a simple step
This post requires Fexplorer 1.17 and can be downloaded here
1. Open Fexplorer in your phone.
2. Go to folder C:\System\favourites
3. Now several .lnk (extension for shortcut files) are visible.
4. Select the appropriate files (or all )and delete them.
5. Multiple select or marking is done by pressing key 0 in Fexplorer.
6. The shortcuts are vanished!!

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Transfer contacts part 2: between any multimedia phones using vcard

This post includes transfer of contacts between multimedia mobile phones of different or same brand eg:- transfer contacts from a Nokia n73 to a sony ericcson K800i. This involves converting contacts into a common format called vcard format(business card format) vcard is a standard format from the IETF for an electronic business card that includes fields for photos, sound,multiple phone number entries and company logos. Information is transported in a file with a .vcf extension which are normally very small in size.
Almost all multimedia phones irrespective of brand support vcard format. It also has support for transfer of contacts through sms, infrared, bluetooth etc and hence copying files to a computer is not mandatory.

1.First convert the contacts to vcard format
This is done by copying files into any memory device like memory card or by copying files into the system

In nokia phones:-
Open contacts> Options> Copy > To memory card
This saves the contacts in vcard format in the memory card in a folder called
memory card > others>contacts

Now contacts can be sent as any normal file over bluetooth,IR or even sms
2.Copy these files into a computer.
3.Again copy these files to the memory card of newer phone.
4.Click on these files to install contacts into phonebook.
For multiple contacts just mark multiple files and click

Alternatively in nokia phones
copy files to the folder
memory card > others > contacts
Then open contacts> Options> Copy > From memory card.

Also read transfer contacts part 1
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